Final Of Longest Running Anime Series Free Download. The original manga series completed in the year 2013 following the death of mangaka takashi yanase, however due to the popularity of the animated series, the animated series is still ongoing and has over 1300 episodes. As with many series that.
Unable to count them all; The 15 longest running anime myanimelist net Dokaben is the longest manga series in the world by the number of volumes published.
Some people are telling it is dragonball but a bigg no because latest episode :april 19, 1989:
Dokaben is the longest manga series in the world by the number of volumes published. Anime’s popularity just keeps growing and growing. I will now add adventure time on this list seeing how it has made a record for being one of the longest running cable shows in history to have ten seasons. The original manga series completed in the year 2013 following the death of mangaka takashi yanase, however due to the popularity of the animated series, the animated series is still ongoing and has over 1300 episodes.