Season Of High School Anime Shows Collection 2020. Harem, comedy, parody, school aired: One of the most recent shows on this list of anime like high school dxd, trinity seven’s original season ran in 2014.
Followed by the 3rd season, high school dxd born in april 2015. The anime industry is known for churning out a lot of slice of life comedy and drama series, and they often take place in a high school. This series has proven that even a fan service show can be entertaining when combined with a fantastic plot and captivating character.
This anime is hilarious, and for that reason alone, you can pick this anime.
As such, of course we'll see some meaningful high school romances in anime! Complete list of school life anime, and watch online. The god of high school is a south korean webtoon written and illustrated by yongje park. It is currently airing (13/7/2020) and the first episode aired just a few days ago.