Batch Of Best Sports Anime Of All Time Release Date. In addition to the usual historical, classroom, and samurai anime series, there's a plethora of anime series and movies based entirely around mainstream sports such as basketball and racecar driving. The story is about kenji, a rather small boy who decides to join the rugby club.
15,736 users · 323,714 views from · made by pottersphoenix. His rugby club has a lot of different types of players so they need to give their best in order to become a better team! This anime has been touted by many as the reason to why the western world became receptive of anime series.
Best sports anime of all time.
Besides the characters, the show does a great job at the tone of what it is like to live in a college dorm. List of the best sports anime, voted on by ranker's anime community. The show is great in its representation of authentic basketball and produces characters to actually care about. Here are 15 of the best.